Saturday, March 19, 2011

day65 and it is getting humid again...

and all the little biting creatures are coming out at once, so that my BRISK walk was this morning VERY BRISK as I had to be faster than this little mean things. So from tomorrow I have to put the repellent on, don't know whether this is very pcp friendly, probably processed and with a lot of nasty ingredients, but there is no other way around it.... After this I did my sets except the chest dips and the last plank as I thought I might die if I continue, so didn't risk that as I have got 4 little ones to take care of.... Then had breakfast and after we took off to do a little walk with the kids and dog. It was gorgeous and I have to admit I feel now so strong and fit running after my kids, that I really enjoy now to take them out, before I was always tired and stressed and didn't feel like doing anything with them. Apropos sleep, still not sleeping well and I am definitely not stressed, but maybe it is the fullmoon that doesn't let me sleep or I can't wait to do my PCP program :) in the morning, anyhow hopefully I will get tonight a bit more sleep....Have all a lovely Sunday and a good start into the new week.XXX


  1. Glad you're getting some returns on the exercise you're putting in. The body rewards you when you use it!

  2. Wow - really positive blog there Birgit: great outcomes. Keep it up!
