Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 69 not a good day

tough night again, as son number 4 decided again to be sick. Actually I don't know whether he is doing it just to sleep in my room??? but to his credit he was sick again this morning and had a bit of fever, so another night without much sleep... and I am sooooo tired. But heyho still got up and went for my morning walk, but than the exercises I found very tiring and I didn't feel fit enough to do the shoulder sets again, so skipped them. Not a good day... and I was so hoping to get back soon to the jump rope as from next week I will be in Germany and I don't know how to do the brisk walk with no help and number 4 with me. Well I will have to sort that out somehow. on top of it I didn't see my husband this morning, as he went down for his exercises very early and I left for mine before he got back and then when I was back he left already for work :( not a good day..... Dietwise everything is ok also as I am sooo tired I am really craving comfort food like chocolate, croissant etc., but I have to be strong and hopefully I will get some sleep tonight. Wish me luck and night, nightxxx

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