Friday, March 4, 2011

day 49 and a skipping disaster

maybe because I thought that 3minx8 isn't too difficult, but I kept tripping and getting the rope stuck around my neck so many times that I really got angry, what actually didn't help and I just finished the skips really badly. Probably my body decided to have a one day break. But the disaster continued in the afternoon as it was really cold at the tennis court and after 1 hour watching my son playing tennis, I came home in a filthy mood and craving for decent food. Just the thought of having my apple for dinner made me even grumpier and I started snapping at everybody. I really don't think I can go on like this especially in those moments I am like a ticking bomb and everybody who doesn't get close to me or want sth. from me is really lucky. This isn't healthy for my environment and my kids must think Mummy is getting really strange.... So I just thought, and had a peace of croissant, but even that didn't satisfy me... Anyhow I really hope that tomorrow will be a better day and that Patrick is taking finally the apple of my menu and replaces it with sth more exciting....


  1. I totally relate Birgit and feel pretty similar. But at least we get a whole meal indulgence this week! James and I wondered if you and Vitto would like to come to the Verandah with us? S xx

  2. Sounds like your rope might be too long. When you stand on it how high are the handles on your body?
