Monday, March 7, 2011

day52 the inner voice

Usually I planned today one day without exercise to rest a bit my shoulder, but than i had to do some cupcakes for my son and of course I had to lick the spoon with the dough with the result that my pcp consciousness started talking to me: "you had sth forbidden so it would be better if you at least tried to skip to make up for it, maybe followed by the sets that are fisable with your shoulder, just try." And I did so how i was told, although some of the exercises I really couldn't do like the pull up, kung fu thing and the double katana that i am even without injured shoulder not able to do.( what a pity) but I replaced the kung fu by leg up sets from yesterday. Any how I am now wondering whether for the rest of my life when I eat something bad this inner voice will talk to me, that is really scary.....


  1. That inner voice is probably a great thing for all of us! :)

  2. Remember you also have an inner voice that told you to eat the cupcake dough. Which one will be louder?

  3. heyhey I just licked the spoon and if you are cooking you have to try. You men always think it is sooooo easy to diet and be strong, because you just get the food put in front of you, so there is not much temptations. Too Easy!!!!

  4. Fight on, Birgit. Whether you make a meal for yourself or not, the truth is resisting the littlest temptations often lead to the biggest victories. And, if you need examples of strong women, and men who cook for themselves, I invite you to look over the PCP complete section. There are several.

    Often, the problem for many people is the food put in front of them by someone else. I used to make my son unhealthy lunches with unhealthy deserts, and I realized it was me, not him, that was affecting his diet. So, I took control and made sure he was--and still is--eating healthy too.

    I remember when my Mom used to get on a "health-kick" amd she would make us all eat healthy for a month. Now, I wish she had stuck with it in spite of my childish complaints. Some people may have food just put in front of them, but all that means is it's the chef who has the real power over these people for health or not. Their choices become their eater's choices.

    The chicken or the egg I suppose, but never gender.

  5. @ Sean fair enough but my son doesn't get cupcakes everyday as it was his Birthday I had to make some for his Kindergarten and i am sure the kids there wouldn't have appreciated very much carrot sandwiches :) and I am sure I am not going down memory lane for my kids if I made them avocado, carrot snack in the afternoon instead of home made waffles. My kids are healthily fed, everything will be cooked freshly, but once in a while they will have also waffles, chocolate etc because I don't believe in denying this to my kids because forbidden things are even more tempting. And they are very sporty, love their fruits but not so much their vegetables and I would kill for their six-pack.
