Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 74 pcp getting difficult

`so after a long flight to Germany and almost hardly any sleep I arrived finally in Germany. So instead of having a nap I went for a brisk walk with my sisters dog and it was fantastic, finally fresh air and just simple countryside with cows and sheeps is so refreshing after Hong Kong, maybe I should just stay here.... Anyhow after the walk i finally went to see my newborn niece who is just adorable and by the time I got back i thought i might skip the other part of the exercise,because I was so tired and not feeling well at all ( another cold, I dont know how many colds I had in this PCP time, definitely far too many), but then even in Germany mY PCP conciousness got to me and said, no, no if you slip up now that will be the end of the last few weeks of the program.... So I did even my other sets and my sisters dog must have thought I am mad, because I was going in the funny ducky walk through the living room and he was following me up and down and wouldn;t go from my side, it was really weird and funny at the same time. Dietwise I have to get better organised but i just arrived today. For today that's it and I will go now and have my well deserved sleep. Lets just hope that number 4 isn't waking up soon ...xxx


  1. Germany! Neat ---- I'm so envious of all you world travelers!!! I need to get a passport!

  2. No.. we all miss her, she should stay put!!
    just kidding...

  3. "getting difficult" ??? after 74 days!
    You're there Birgit! well done!
