Tuesday, March 22, 2011

day 68 time management with kids????

As I said yesterday I need to get up early to fit my tight regime in, but as it is with my kids you never can plan ahead. Son number 4 decided to be sick at night, so didn't get much sleep and got up a tick later than planned.... So off I went than for my brisk walk and than followed by my exercises, but couldn't finish in time as Pilates lesson was calling, followed by aqua fitness, in between I had also a quick breakfast, and back home I did then finally my last sets of abs. Boy they were a killer, especially the planks and I thought i might do only 2-3 sets, but did them at the end all. I am very proud of myself!!! So for today I had really enough sport and now i am off to watch my kids doing sport (swimming). That will be my next project, learn how to swim properly, elegant and without great effort.... Speak to you soon.xxx