Friday, March 11, 2011

day56 skipping,skipping....

surprisingly I found the 4min sets easier than the 3/2 min sets as i probably made up my mind already beforehand and didn't even check or try to check on the time because i knew it is veeeery long.Shoulder is still hurting and we still haven't decided on the indulgence restaurant... So maybe we come up with a solution tomorrow. Ah and tomorrow is the big day again, maybe I try it this time the other way: Please Patrick don't take away my beloved apple!!!! I can't live without it.:). So lets see what is going to happen tomorrow with the diet plan..... ciao, ciao xxx


  1. Heh heh... I'll roll a dice and see if your apple stays or goes!

  2. Noooooo don't take our apple away...

  3. My apple got taken away this week and I'm missing it! I'd switch with you if I could! :)
