Wednesday, February 2, 2011


so here I am again, although I was very close of quitting as I put on weight instead of loosing and as I am a number girl that was my first reaction,so let s see whether Patricks explanation really works..... first muscles than weight loss, but I just want to be slim not muscly!!!! anyhow I did my jumps and exercise straight in the morning and the last reps were really tough luckily I am training at home so nobody can see my funny faces and hear the stupid remarks I give myself. So tonight we are out and I already told my friend that we are going to be very boring, no alcohol and thai curry for us, soon they won't invite us anymore...


  1. You're not going to ever get "muscly" with these exercises. You're going for "toned", which you definitely want.

  2. It's not forever Birgit (in terms of alcohol) but moderation. It was difficult for me on the weekend: seriousy, attending a 500 person black tie event and not drinking while friends gradually become drunk was torture.

    No worries on the weight thing - I am flat and have been since an initial drop in the first week. If anything I am putting on a little; but hardly much. With that belt size has come down twice, pants and clothes are loose: just starting to get comments (and it is only day 20).

    All good - we'll all get through this. Keep it up. Richard

  3. Birgit you're doing brilliantly :-) I realized that I was talking a lot to myself too trying to get thru my sets and actually everyone could hear - embarrassing but if that's what gets us in shape then it's ok, right?! See you guys soon. We are back in Hk on Saturday. S xx

  4. With all due respect, screw the weight numbers right now. We are reprograming your metabolism. The numbers will fall into line soon enough. Believe me, I know. Before the project, I was 103 kgs at my fat peak. Now I'm, 79-82kgs on any given day, and this is over a year later. Just stick to the exercises and the diet. You will transform! And, toned muscle is the way to go!

  5. thanks for all the encouraging
