Saturday, February 12, 2011

day 30

yippee one third done!!!! Still not loosing weight, just changing shape:( but maybe the apple and banana help....I know Patrick weight is not important, but for me it is as my target is 10 kg less.  So 8 weeks more to go and I will work very hard to achieve my goal!!!!! have all a lovely Sunday and enjoy your apples and bananas:)


  1. We need to sit down and have a nice long talk about weight Birgit.

  2. People get too obsessed with weight numbers. They always think these numbers are fat. They forget the muscles, and all the other stuff in their body--as muscles get bigger they're going to become the weight previously occupied by fat--so your weight doesn't change.

    It's not weight numbers we should care about. I mean, who in God's name stands next to you when your on your bathroom scale?! Do you invite all your coworkers over for the weigh in? Maybe some guy off the street? Hey you! I'm gettin' on my bathroom scale! Wanna come and watch? Jeepers.

    All that matters is how our body looks. When we judge people, we do it based on what we see when they are outside with us, not on their scale. Unless, of course your stalking people, climbing into their bathrooms just to get a look at the numbers on their scale as they stand there.

    And, like you said, you are changing shape. That is going to keep happening until you look great. That is the magic of the PCP. I'll take 10kgs of extra muscle in place of 10 kgs of fat--and my weight not changing at all--over just losing 10 kgs of fat any day. Exaggeration perhaps, but truth nonetheless.

    Stay awesome, Birgit.
