Tuesday, February 22, 2011

day 40 almost half time!!!

still not feeling like a fresh rose... Cough kept me up the whole night so i guess I have to see the doctor because another night without sleep I won't survive. Did my duty after my question whether i shouldn't do the exercises because of my cough were denied by my very sympathetic husband. thank you darling!!!! could it be that you convinced me to do this program because you wanted to get rid of me???? anyhow did my deed although I had problems to breath after, but like i said PCP until I die.... but i feel great now after having done my program although I cancelled my Pilates and granny swimming as that would be probably pushing it... have all a nice day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Birgit. Hope you are feeling better. Good for you for sticking with the exercises even though you are sick. That's a tough one. Wish my hubby were doing it with me. You're lucky. Mine refuses to give up the alcohol. Hummm, got me thinking...
