Saturday, February 26, 2011

day 44 feeling like 100 years old

thought today would be a better day, but skipping was a disaster, my whole body is aching and I kept tripping over and was not having any drive. Thought it would get better with all the exercise but maybe my whooping cough doesn't help to feel fresh and agile and maybe I am missing hubby or better the competition... Anyhow keep going, keep going, I love PCP, I love PCP.... Have all a nice Sunday


  1. I feel ya --- my legs are so aching tonight!

  2. This is a tough week, be strong and keep that sense of humor!

  3. You'll get through this tough time, Birgit. It's times like these that we need to focus on the reason we got into the program in the first place.

    I went through your blog and noticed, while your body is clearly improving, you haven't really talked about why your on the PCP. I got on the PCP because I was in my thirties with pneumonia, overweight, and I had a son I was afraid I would never be able to keep up with. You blog alot about your troubles on the PCP--keep doing that. The blog is the place to vent and get that nasty negativity out of your mind. But, this week, maybe take some time and talk about why you're doing the PCP in the first place. Despite your "suffering", you have stayed with this program for almost two months now. Yay! So, how about letting the world, and yourself once again, know why your working so hard. Sometimes going back to the beginning and remembering why we took on a challenge in the first place can help us complete it.

    There were days I absolutely hated the PCP

    My lowest point on the PCP was day was day 57. Check it out:

    But, I am so happy I stuck with it and you will be too.

    Com'on, Birgit. Tell us, what put you on the PCP road!

    Stay strong!
