Monday, February 28, 2011

day 46

feeling very tired, although got last night more sleep. The exercises were much better today as I felt much more energetic, probably more sleep = more energy. Just with the diet i have a problem today, just the thought of an apple and yoghurt for dinner make me cry. Will that ever change???? or do I have to eat for the rest of my life apples to stay slim??? I hope not and even my sons are now asking, for how long I have to do this diet they probably see how I suffer and eye on their food. Anyhow I can't change it and so have all a great day.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day 45 half time and i never felt so unfit

what is wrong???? we are now finally half way and I thought I am really working hard with my diet and the exercises and the last two days when I did my duty it felt like somebody put weights on my feet, every exercise especially skipping was a huge effort. Shouldn't we not now exercising easily and with joy???? I am definitely not enjoying this as the results are also not visible for me, I even have the impression that my tummy fed is coming back with a vengeance. I know I am always moaning but this is the way how I feel, sorry. And to Sean, you were asking why i am doing PCP, so one reason was my new year resolution to loose some weight as after 4 kids I piled on some excess weight that i wanted to get rid of. My target actually was 10 kg as this is the weight I put on since I got married and had my kids and as our 10th anniversary is this year I thought it would be great to fit again in my wedding dress. ( wishful thinking:)))Second reason: My dear husband dragged me into it as a friend of a friend did PCP with some amazing results, but I have to say now and after having seen a lot of profiles of previous PCPers  I discovered the big results only men achieve and I am wondering whether this program is maybe better suited for men than for women. Now enough of moaning, my delicious breakfast is waiting for me, maybe I should just have a chocolate bar to cheer me up?? ( just kidding)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

day 44 feeling like 100 years old

thought today would be a better day, but skipping was a disaster, my whole body is aching and I kept tripping over and was not having any drive. Thought it would get better with all the exercise but maybe my whooping cough doesn't help to feel fresh and agile and maybe I am missing hubby or better the competition... Anyhow keep going, keep going, I love PCP, I love PCP.... Have all a nice Sunday

Friday, February 25, 2011

day 43 and I think I am in a deep valley

is there any way out????  Again not a very pleasant night, but still got up and started the jumps as I thought 7 sets x 2 min jumps doesn't sound too hard. But 2 min are all of a sudden very long and the last 2 sets i was really bad and kept tripping, then I did the exercises and they were excruciating and I thought I will pass out at some point. Anyhow went through them and now I am soooo happy that they are done for today. I just hope I will be in better shape tomorrow. Ah and thanks Patrick for leaving me my beloved dinnerapple. have all a lovely weekend!!!

day 42

Here I am again, got a bit better my sleep but still not perfect. Training hard and eating almost nothing as i don't have any appetite but putting on weight and lovehandles are coming a bit back. Heelp, what is going on???? Not looking forward to the new diet plan I really cant see anymore apples, yoghurt and eggwhite.yuckiiiiiiii, but who wants to be beautiful has to suffer, right???? Speak to you again tomorrow as I need to pack for hubby.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

day 41

 so tired, couldn't sleep again because of the cough. I am now on antibiotics and strong cough mixture but it seems it doesn't help.... But at least the doctor said I can continue with my training. So got up early and did my program like in trance. Hopefully I have a better night tonight, 4 days without hardly any sleep is not sustainable...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

day 40 almost half time!!!

still not feeling like a fresh rose... Cough kept me up the whole night so i guess I have to see the doctor because another night without sleep I won't survive. Did my duty after my question whether i shouldn't do the exercises because of my cough were denied by my very sympathetic husband. thank you darling!!!! could it be that you convinced me to do this program because you wanted to get rid of me???? anyhow did my deed although I had problems to breath after, but like i said PCP until I die.... but i feel great now after having done my program although I cancelled my Pilates and granny swimming as that would be probably pushing it... have all a nice day!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

day 39 PCP until I die

Another night without sleep, but still got myself up this morning and went for my duty. Felt really bad and it took me quite a bit the jumps as I kept stumbling and the breathing was very hard as my cough isn't helping. But heyho we love PCP and I will keep going until I die, because if I stop now there will be no return... The delicious food isn't helping either, because when you feel really bad and sick the least you need is an apple and veggies + eggwhite and Yoghurt. I want my COMFORT FOOD!!!!! Ok lets hope I sweat out my sickness today and tomorrow I will be fresh like a rose...

Friday, February 18, 2011

bad bad day

I could just sit down cry or scream, I really don't want to do this hell anymore. didn't sleep well during the night because of my cough and than I had to get up early to do the exercises. The pistol squats were hell and i don't know how to do them, my knee really hurts when i go down, it doesn't seem very healthy. And on top of it- I know Patrick you don't want to hear that- we are now 6 weeks into the program and I just lost 3 kilo and my dear husband 7!!!!! is that fair ????? and my friend who does metabolic diet said in 6 weeks she lost 6 kilo. so is it really worth it???? and on top of it I have to continue with just 1 apple for dinner and I just said yesterday I cant see anymore apples and bananas...... Hope you all have a lovely weekend and you feel better than me :(

Thursday, February 17, 2011

day 35

it is sooo cold and the hunger is back, I am sure there must be a connection.  Despite cold and nasty cough I did my 1400 jumps and I am awaiting with fear the new week plan, probably no food and harder exercises. Lets hope it won't be that bad....

day 34

did all my jumps on auto-pilot, the double Katana I really can't do, after 5 I can't get my arms up anymore, well I guess I do not have any muscles there. so far so good food wise, just had yesterday as an evening snack a Bloody Mary, I guess it is vegetables with a bit of clear water:), right??? but my best friend from Germany is here and I just had to join her for a drink....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

day33 feeling good and energetic

despite the hard workout, despite the cough and cold and despite the exciting food, although I wouldn't mind some yummy wintery food with a nice sauce with my carbs, after all I am a german girl where we eat these things especially when it is cold!!!!! and it is really cold today and I am feeling again constantly hungry,  it definitely must be the weather, because the other days I didn't mind at all . And the good news is my scale showed me a bit of a weight loss, yippee!!! I know Patrick you don't want to hear that but it makes ME happy!!!!  Have all a nice day and a special note for my dear hubby, I am really sorry that you still have to do the workout tonight....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

day 30

yippee one third done!!!! Still not loosing weight, just changing shape:( but maybe the apple and banana help....I know Patrick weight is not important, but for me it is as my target is 10 kg less.  So 8 weeks more to go and I will work very hard to achieve my goal!!!!! have all a lovely Sunday and enjoy your apples and bananas:)

Day 29

Here is my weekly picture:

this is hell!!!!! First you work out so hard and then there is no dinner only fruits, milk (yuck) eggwhite and the lovely snack of vegetables. Even with a lot of imagination I can't make this yummy. What did I sign up for????? I guess that is the price you pay for being fat and unfit, right.

Friday, February 11, 2011

day 28

1300 jumps were really tough and after grannny swimming, my legs are screaming!!! And I am verrrrry hungry today must be the weather change. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

day 27 tough one

This morning was a tough one, first to get out of bed wasn't very easy as I felt that I am getting a cold, but if I didn't do my skips in the morning they will loom over me for the whole day. So I went down to skip and after immediately the exercise and it was really hard. In fact I wasn't able to do more than 4 triceps exercises I don't know whether I am doing sth wrong or there is just no muscle???? Food as usual delicious  and i am really enjoying my fruit snack. Tomorrow my dear friend is coming from Germany and she is luckily more than happy to join in my Pcp regime, maybe soon there will be even followers in Germany???Have a lovely day and enjoy your

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day 26 and feeling great

Hi everyone, just did my power Wednesday program in one go, first jumps than exercise( although if somebody saw me going around like a duckling they must think she completely lost it, but it really hurts so I guess it is good even if you look silly) followed by Pilates and then granny swimming and I am feeling great now. Funny enough I could just go for a run, no i am just kidding. Wish you all a wonderful day and speak to you tomorrow....

Monday, February 7, 2011


I started early the day at 7o'clock in the morning with my jumps ( today they didn't go too well,  maybe because I was jumping on the soft playground and it was also very windy) still did my dead followed immediately by the exercises that were really tough especially the new exercises. The only thing that worries me now is that I am having a rush/ itching all over my body and I don't know whether that is another side effect of the pcp after the spots or I am getting allergic to some of the foods??? It starts mainly after eating??? Any suggestions what it could be??? Have all a lovely day, speak to you soon...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Did my jumps early in the morning, going to become skipping queen, maybe I got inspired by Rocky video :) Exercise were fine as well only 30 sec can be very long when I did the plank and my new enemy is incline pull ups,i am really bad with it, my little boys just imitated me and did it like it was just a peace of cake, they probably take more after their dad... Food wise everything is ok only sometimes I really feel like eating sth sugary especially when I am tired and stressed.( Baby number 5 still wakes up at night for a little walkie and baby 4 as well) any suggestions to overcome this craving???

Saturday, February 5, 2011


what did I get myself into???? First thing my hubby does at 8 o'clock is jumping out of the bed to go down to do his skipping. So no nice lay in for me as the 1050 jumps are hanging over me with the result I did them as well at 8.10 on a Sunday morning..... Mad, mad and I hope the results at the end will be worth it although with that amount of exercise and eating healthy ( and I am sure it is getting even tougher) it is not a real surprise. I am having now finally my breakfast,wishing you all a  nice Sunday despite the threatening 1050 jumps, there are not so bad after all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 22

Week 4 

It's definitely getting tougher!
Was really struggling with the jumps: will they ever become easy?
Food wise not too sad to see the carbs disappear in the evening!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


so here I am again, although I was very close of quitting as I put on weight instead of loosing and as I am a number girl that was my first reaction,so let s see whether Patricks explanation really works..... first muscles than weight loss, but I just want to be slim not muscly!!!! anyhow I did my jumps and exercise straight in the morning and the last reps were really tough luckily I am training at home so nobody can see my funny faces and hear the stupid remarks I give myself. So tonight we are out and I already told my friend that we are going to be very boring, no alcohol and thai curry for us, soon they won't invite us anymore...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So here I am after 900 jumps, 1 hour pilates and 1 hour granny swimming and I am feeling great, although the night was very short as my little new baby wanted to be taken out for a walk at 2 o'clock in the morning:(. Today I could really see the changes in my flexibility and stamina. So only the exercise this evening and again one more day less. Slowly slowly i am getting there!!!!


my back is still not better and today I really feel like eating bad things, but I try to be strong!!!!!