Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 12

I am absolutely exhausted and I probably overdid it today, 3 hours of sport is maybe a bit too much for my untrained body. Anyhow hopefully I will recover until tomorrow for the next round. I ate my healthy lunch but really didn't enjoy it and just finished it because patrick said to eat everything. It is really funny that i am not hungry anymore, before PCP I was always anxiously waiting for the kids to come home from school so we could have lunch and now i am just having lunch because i have to. very weird....  Ah and before I forget I was really good last night for my girlie night, I had only water and tea and some salad and seared tuna + some potatoes. i am so proud, usually when i was dieting and there was some temptation I would have just said, ah it is only tonight we can have one bad day....

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, a diet often only becomes and excuse to eat worse than before.
