Monday, January 24, 2011

day 11 there are good days and bad days

so today is unfortunately one of the bad ones, did my deed, but really badly, although the day started very promisingwith the jump rope until I had to fight with my 17 months old boy for the rope and then after the distraction I had to fight not to get always tangled up in the rope. then later my beloved lunges gave me the rest. will I ever love them, they really make my knee creek. Food is ok and i am surprisingly not hungry and also not tempted to pick on my kids plates. I am also out tonight for a girlie night hopefully I stay strong!!!! will tell you more tomorrow....


  1. Good days, bad days, they just keep coming and you don't look back! Carry on!

  2. I got into the PCP because I finally hit rock bottom with my health. I find this had a lot to do with how well I "stayed strong". On days where temptation is present, focus on why your doing this, not to mention how much better off that 17 month old is gonna be when he super-fit mom is able to chase him down and keep up with his play as he gets older.
