Thursday, April 14, 2011

blondie is back and it is almost finished :(

ok so I am finally back in HK and kind of sad that the PCP program is officially finished by today, but I imposed a punishment day on myself as I didn't do anything on Tuesday as I lost half a day, didn't sleep on the the plane and couldn't just come home and say to my 3 children: oh mummy is back but has to do first her exercises, I think they would have killed me after not having me around for 2 weeks. Anyhow I am a bit disappointed about my physical status as I couldn't give everything the last 2 weeks as I broke my stupid toe and it is still very swollen and I am limping to the finish line. But hey ho I am feeling GREAT and I am getting a lot of compliments what is really very satisfying although the scale is not yet there where I would have liked it to be and the wedding dress only fits almost. It has been a tough time but I am now full of energy and I even discovered a recipe when I am in a bad mood, just go for a brisk walk and I feel much better. Tried and tested this morning as my dear hubby couldn't wait for his last message from his Guru- Patrick he is really brainwashed and gave me already a hard time yesterday because son nr 3 had an ice cream in the afternoon and wanted crisp in the evening and hubby said that is not very good for him but I have to mention that he has a beautiful body, muscly and no gram fed,really no gram!!! and he is full of energy- anyhow there was my husband in the morning at 5.00am checking his e-mail and waking his jet lagged wife, so not a good start for the morning, but the brisk walk worked wonders and i will keep that now in my mind if something is bugging me. So for today that is it from me, will write more when I finished in my terms the program and I will put up then some pictures although they want be as spectacular as my husband's, he looks really hot....I will better watch him from


  1. :) Blondie is back. Good to hear ---- glad you didn't lose your humor while you were away. Go enjoy your husband! hahaha

  2. Looking forward to photos and final thoughts!
